Sukaina Hussain

tutor's rating:
Punjab University
JOURNALISM, Class of 2019
home tutor
online tutor
test prep
Subjects Tutored by Sukaina: Select the subjects you want to study.
Primary and Middle Grades:

About Me

Assalamualaikum My name is sukaina Hussain. I am married and now I am house wife and also a teacher. I teach the different class of students with carefully and full of attention at home. My teaching method is too good and also friendly. All student's parents are inspire me and my teaching method.I never compromise in students studies and their results. Thanks

Teaching Experience

I have an experience of teaching about 8 years in schools and academies.My experience of teaching is too good and due to this I gain much more knowledge .

Sami Mufti says

I've been teaching a variety of subjects for 4 years now, with a focus primarily on English writing and communication skills as well as music theory.

Sami Mufti says

I've been teaching a variety of subjects for 4 years now, with a focus primarily on English writing and communication skills as well as music theory.

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